I think most of you are aware that Indian Rupee got a symbol few days before. But the government says it will take more than a year for the new Rupee symbol to become commercially available. Though a Mangalore-based Foradian Technologies Pvt Ltd has come up with a new font called Rupee_Foradian, which can be downloaded free of cost. This will be showing up in your fonts list in all your applcations if you do an install of the same font in your system. But unfortunately, it is available currently as a True Type Font (ttf) file type and which is not suppored in a Linux based system in its naive way.
So I would like to help you guys to find how to get the Rupee Font in your Ubuntu system working. Other Linux based systems, I am not that too familiar with. The following steps needs to be followed:
1. Open Terminal (Applications-> Accessories -> Terminal)
2. Execute sudo apt-get install msttcorefonts (This will make your system to show up Microsoft Windows fonts)
3. Then it will ask for a question with [Y/N]. Type 'y' and press enter.
4. After execution of the command, Open your User Home Folder (Places -> Home Folder)
5. Create a folder name '.fonts' there and copy the Rupee_Foradian.ttf file which you can download from here.
6. Now go to Terminal again and execute the command sudo fc-cache -fv or restart your system which is best option.
7. Now open any text editor software which can select fonts in that (eg. Open Office Word Processor) and select the Rupee-Foradian font and type the key '~', as shown below.
Then it will show the Rupee symbol and that is it.
Do this and enjoy using the Rupee symbol in your documents and promote the Rupee symbol.
This is the same way, you need do for getting any Windows fonts in your Ubuntu system, by copying the font file to the '.fonts' folder and running the sudo fc-cache -fv or restarting the system.
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